How all started...

Jose and I have always enjoyed and loved sharing our lives with animals. Shortly after we got married, we decided to have a pet at home. So, we purchased a cat...our first experience with felines! In September 1999 Duncan came to us, a beautiful Birman blue point kitten.

He showed to us "how a cat must be" and that enchanted us! Since then, we are used to attending cat's shows, keeping in contact with breeders, attending courses about breeding and reading a lot about cats and breeds. One breed attracted my attention...a very special one from Thailand with such a lovely look...the Korat!
Jadeye Delilah

In order to get more information about them, I joined to Koratworld mailing list, which was of great help for me to know even more about the Korat cat. At that time, we were thinking about giving Duncan "a cat as friend". He was already neutered, so, having another cat wouldn't be a problem...then, we seriously decided to get a Korat! Considering that there were no breeders or owners in South America or Argentine, we had to import our cat.

Suddenly, the time to have our first Korat came...on April 10th, 2001, very early in the morning, our beautiful Jadeye Delilah, 7 months old, arrived in Argentine after a long trip from Rome, Italy. She became the first of her breed in our country...and we are very proud of her!
Being 8 month old, she entered to compete in Class 11 (Juniors), getting EX 1 from the two judges in that show: Mr. A. Leal (from Tica) and Mrs. J. Renault (from FIFe). Three months later, Delilah started her career as Adult, entering in Class 9. She got from Mrs. E. Araujo (Tica), Mrs. S. Bruin and Mr. H. Schöler the CAC-certificates, becoming Champion! Besides, she got three Nominations...two Best Opposite Sex and one Best in Show! At the last show in September 2001, Deli got her first CACIB-certificate. She will compete in following AFA shows this year.

On November 30th., 2001, arrived the first Korat male from Klahz Cattery, of Carine Risberg, in Canada... Klahz Dee Mark, a beautiful boy, 7 months old came to start our breeding program at Chalerm Cattery! He will be shown at shows with Delilah...
The Cat Fancy in Argentina finally have its first Korat couple...we all are waiting for a near future plenty of Korat Kittens!

Olga Burlak
Chalerm Cattery - Argentina